The subject of the film is the unearthing of a major press scandal inspired by the book by Spanish-German journalist Juan Moreno Tausend Zeilen Lüge (lit. “A Thousand Lines of Lies”)....
Uncovering the stories of the designers who built fascinating architectural marvels during the Soviet regime, Soviet Bus Stops is an ode to the power of individual creativity that would not be suppres...
Edward is busy trying to unlock the secrets of reading and recording people's thoughts. He is very involved with his work leaving little room for girlfriend Britt. Longstreet comes along and offers Ed...
Tom of Finland 的同志情色插画,相信不少人都欣赏过。硕大的肌肉、壮阔的广膊、下体大大的一包,连黑色的皮裤都遮盖不住。电单车、制服、一组组激情动作连环图,教一代代同志血脉沸腾。这是 Tom of Finland 的 传记故事。他本来是一名军官,二次大战时为国家拼死奋战。战后回到芬兰,却因为同志的身份,处处受到歧视和打压,只好寄情艺术,画下一幅幅解放性爱的情色插画,影响力冲出国际,推动了...
Ray Liotta (Goodfellas) 在这部充满活力的都市犯罪惊悚片 Street Kings 的续集中展现了一场激烈而激动人心的表演。Liotta 扮演底特律侦探马蒂金斯顿,他是一个卧底缉毒队的负责人,其成员正被一个一个地系统性地谋杀为了解决残酷的杀戮,金斯敦与一位自大的年轻凶杀侦探联手。但他们都没有准备好面对他们的调查将揭露的令人震惊的腐败;...