Lt. Penucci, not particularly with his superiors or anyone else, really, must track down a homicidal nut before he or she kills again. He becomes romantically involved with a researcher helping him, w...
A Girl and A Guy is a modern tale of young adults navigating the tricky world of relationships, connection, and intimacy in today's society. The film tells the story of a girl, the story of a guy,...
本片由1997年美国地区Rolfe Kanefsky 导演亲自编导拍摄,由Gabriella Hall David Chielens Robert Donavan Jacqueline Lovell 参与本片主演。 剧情内容:或许影迷见多了海报,还未真正欣赏过本片的魅力,诱惑系数蛮高的一部艺术影片,对“人体美”健身房正在进行一些现金流的问题。为了从去打破阻止它......
卡特(亚当·布罗迪 Adam Brody饰)在好莱坞的事业进展得不大顺利,也一直遇不上能相伴终生的爱人。当漂亮女友索菲娅(埃琳纳·安娜亚 Elena Anaya饰)和他摊牌分手之后,卡特的心情跌到了谷底。他离开了洛杉矶,来到密歇根的祖母家,这里有大片的田园和蓝天,卡特开始了波澜不惊的生活。
祖母是神经兮兮的老人家,孤僻倔强,不近人情;此外,邻局的母亲莎拉(梅格·瑞安 Meg Ryan饰)和她...
A on-the-lam punk rocker and a young woman obsessed with his band unexpectedly fall in love and go on an epic journey together through America's decaying Midwestern suburbs....