爱德华·詹姆斯·奥莫斯(《银翼杀手2049》《神盾局特工》)将自导自演一部新片《魔鬼有一个名字》(The Devil Has a Name),大卫·斯特雷泽恩(《黑名单》《哥斯拉》)也参演。该片定义为“一部有关环境的黑色喜剧”,真实故事改编,讲述一个精神错乱的石油大亨与一个固执的农场主展开激烈对峙,因农场的水遭到石油污染。斯特雷泽恩饰演农场主,奥莫斯饰演一位墨西哥移民和知己。Rob McEveet...
律师加维(丹尼·迪维图 Danny DeVito 饰)在自己的办公室里,正在向一位想要离婚的年轻人讲述一段“玫瑰大战”的故事:奥利佛(迈克尔·道格拉斯 Michael Douglas 饰)与太太芭芭拉(凯瑟琳·特纳 Kathleen Turner 饰)相识于一场拍卖会,而后两人很快结婚生子。身为律师的奥立佛整日忙于自己的工作,曾为体操运动员的芭芭拉醉心于相夫教子的生活,一家人过着令所有朋友羡慕不已...
Poor, hungry peasant Macario longs for just one good meal on the Day of the Dead. After his wife cooks a turkey for him, he meets three apparitions, the Devil, God, and Death. Each asks him to share h...
Five teenagers compete to win a mansion owned by entrepreneur and scientist Atticus Virtue. To win the teens must face-off against a super computer named HAVEN who controls the mansion....