胡格(杰森·罗巴兹 Jason Robards 饰)遭到了信赖的朋友塔格里(L·Q·琼斯 L.Q. Jones 饰)和布温(斯特罗瑟·马丁 Strother Martin 饰)的背叛,身无分文险些丧命。在一片荒漠之中,胡格意外的发现了一处水源,于是,他打起了卖水的主意。 牧师约书亚(大卫·沃纳 David Warner 饰)指责胡格不应该将公共资源据为己有,于是胡格前往附近的小镇,将这片地买了下...
Chekov's Uncle Vanya, transposed to turn-of-the-century North Wales, where the peace and tranquility of a country house is disturbed by the arrival of the estate's tyrannical owner and his American wi...
本片被认为是Ealing Studios出品的非喜剧作品中最优秀的一部,以黑色电影的手法刻画了伦敦东区工人阶级的浮生一日,堪称是激进现实主义(kitchen-sink)作品的先驱。2008年,在纽约的英国黑色电影放映季上,本片获得了美国影评人的高度赞扬,但是在此之前,本片一直鲜有人知,因此被认为是一部被忽略的1940年代英国电影杰作。《The Village Voice》夸赞本片是一部“描绘‘困境...
A 'mockumentary' about David Moore, the filmmaker who first dreamed of sharks in a tornado and brought on disaster by using real sharks. The first SHARKNADO was to be a movie never seen, a crime never...
Handsome and successful Jim appears to have it all: he's married to the beautiful and supportive Lisa, has a healthy baby, and works a cool gig as the director of hardcore porno fare. Jim's se...