别名:Morgane et ses nymphes Girl Slaves of Morgana Le Fay一个神秘主义的故事,关于两个度假的女孩,在夏日,她们驾车穿行在山间公路,影影绰绰的树林带着夏日的暖意,她们兴高采烈谈论着什么,未来的路在此刻定下了基调。 她们驱车来到一个中世纪格调的酒吧,酒吧的坐客面目狰狞、神情古怪,女孩们有些害怕了,好心的酒保劝她俩远离这个令人不安的村子,可是,女孩们正...
当年在努布拉岛营建侏罗纪公园时,约翰?哈蒙德(理查德?阿滕伯勒 Richard Attenborough 饰)曾把附近的索纳岛作为恐龙的制造工场。侏罗纪公园沦陷后,索纳岛上的恐龙在完全隔绝且缺少必要合成元素的情况下生存了4年时间。哈蒙德对此颇感好奇,他重新找到马科姆博士(杰夫?高布伦 Jeff Goldblum 饰),邀请他前往小岛考察。4年前经历让马科姆心有余悸,他断然拒绝哈蒙德的提议,但当得知...
When her husband finds himself unemployed and emasculated, pressure mounts on Helena to provide for her family. However, a sinister otherworldly presence seems dead set on undermining her new business...
A young woman named Clara is captured by a serial killer named Leonard who records his "life story" by keeping a scrapbook of his many victims. In addition to adhering Polaroids, scraps of c...
A spoiled young girl is forced to tag along with her mom on a medical mission in Tarlac. There she meets a young man from a different world who shows her another side of life....