A budding art restorer travels to a small Italian village to bring a medieval painting back to its former glory. Little does she know she is placing her life in danger from an evil curse and a monster...
In season three, Ray’s world has contracted. Family life looks a little different as he quietly mourns the loss of Bruce, while figuring out how to care for his aging father, Bill (Kenny Graham). As B...
未来世界,为了赢得星际战争,政府从新生儿中严格挑选一批人,从小就进行杀人训练,这些人没有家庭、感情,他们眼中只有杀戮,称为兵人。特德(库尔特•拉塞尔 Kurt Russell 饰)就是这群人中的佼佼者,他经历了数场星际大战,依然屹立不倒。这次政府采用新的基因技术,让婴儿在母体中就接受战争基因的改造,制造了一批改良后的兵人。 为了测试效果,特德和另外两名伙伴被挑选和新兵人凯恩(贾森•斯科特•李 J...
达登(帕特里克·斯威兹 Patrick Swayze 饰)从小就过着浪迹街头的自由生活,社会经验十分的丰富,凭借着机灵的脑瓜,达登为自己在一间夜总会里谋得了一个好差事,很快,个性开朗善良,工作踏实负责的达登就收获了老板和同事的信赖。 一天,有一帮小混混来到了达登所在的夜总会里闹事,达登挺身而出将他们尽数赶走。达登出色的表现吸引了双骰酒吧的老板迪尔曼(凯文·泰德 Kevin Tighe 饰)的赏识...
A woman goes to the countryside to spend a quiet weekend after losing her job and having her last complicated relationship implode. She rents a country house to an old-fashioned widower, who struggles...