一个男人由于患上了强迫性神经官能症,生活面临崩溃。可是在这样关键的时刻,他竟然遇上一段意想不到的风流韵事。黑色幽默的故事让观众惊喜连连。 The British indie DIRTY FILTHY LOVE offers a quirky spin on the standard romantic-comedy formula with the tragicomic misadventures ...
When a group of ghost hunters investigate the infamous Jericho Manor, they soon realise it's not just ghosts that go bump in the night! As people get murdered, the survivors need to discover who or wh...
他是足球天才、球場上帝、叛逆英雄,還是騙徒一名?馬勒當拿由窮家小子變身神一樣的球星,天價轉會拿玻里,世界盃上帝之手舉世聞名。然而登上事業頂峰,人生也開始變質走樣,在黑手黨橫行之城,沉淪毒海,私生活一塌糊塗。拍過《極速傳奇:冼拿》( 2 0 1 0 ) 及奧斯卡得獎作《A m y 》(2015)的卡巴迪亞,嘗試重組球王的璀璨歲月與成名代價,搜羅超過五百小時從未曝光珍貴片段,近距離呈現風光背後的失意、...