Banksy, the world's most infamous street artist, whose political art, criminal stunts, and daring invasions outraged the establishment and created a revolutionary new movement while his identity r...
The people who had migrated from Tirunelveli District of Tamil Nadu live in Dharavi slum in Mumbai. The Union Minister Haridev Abhayankar alias Hari Dada (Nana Patekar), previously a gangster, tries t...
The story begins with the three thugs robbing the car. They expected money, but found the dead body instead. They have to investigate who was the real killer while the police are chasing them....
瑞典政党领袖大卫·霍尔斯特(伯恩·谢尔曼 Björn Kjellman 饰)风流倜傥、幽默成熟,是下一届总理候选人的有力竞争者。英俊风趣的大卫被普遍看好,大家都认为大卫可以轻而易举的赢得这次选举的胜利。然而众望所归的胜利却遭遇了滑铁卢,对手政党获得选举胜利,并将在未来的四年中领导国家。就在大卫心灰意冷的时候,不期而遇的爱情却意外的降临到了大卫身上。然而这却是一场最不该发生的感情,已婚的大卫居然爱上...
神秘博士》(Doctor Who),是一部由英国广播公司出品的长寿英国科幻电视剧。此片描述了一名神奇的名为“博士”(Doctor)的时间领主用他伪装成50年代英国警亭的时间机器塔迪斯(Time And Relative Dimension(s) In Space,时间 和空间相对维度的缩写)在时间、空间中旅行的冒险。他与其搭档(companion)在时间、空间中探索悠游、惩恶扬善、拯救文明、帮助弱...