街头霸王创作者 Sam 编写了最新之游戏软件后, 回来家园渡假, 香港及菲律宾两大电脑公司为抢夺代理权赶赴马尼拉找 Sam. 香港代表 Ben 与菲律宾代表 Lisa 在机场接到的竟是 Dickson, 本来 Sam 不欲公务打扰假日, 以帮手 Dickson 代替. Lisa 为人傲慢及决断, Sam 渐对她爱慕, 但不敢向她表达; Lisa 帮手欲暗里获得代理权, 布下狡计令 Ben 与 Li...
A contract killer, becomes the reverend of a LA church, until a cult leader and his minions kidnap his daughter. Blinded by vengeance, he cuts a bloody path across the city. The only thing that can st...
Marcus Du Sautoy wants to find out how close we are to creating machines that can think like us: robots or computers that have artificial intelligence.
His journey takes him to a strange and bizarre...