Grammy Award-winning and chart-topping artist Billie Eilish will make her Disney+ debut with "Happier than Ever: A Love Letter to Los Angeles," a cinematic concert experience....
从小时候起,蕾(内芙·坎贝尔 Neve Campbell 饰)就展现出了在舞蹈方面的过人天赋,长大之后,蕾如愿成为了一名芭蕾舞者,并且加入了著名的芝加哥芭蕾舞团。然而,想在这一行业里出人头地,光有技术还远远不够。没过多久,锋芒毕露的蕾就遭到了同行的排挤,与此同时,蕾对于芭蕾艺术的探索亦走入了瓶颈。 坚强的蕾凭借着自己的努力和坚持最终成为了首席领舞,但是,事业上的成功却并没能带给蕾快乐。正相反...
Father Brown tries to transport a historically important cross to Rome engaging in battles of wits and faith with a thief and pursuing policeman. The thief, named Flambeau (Finch), is a master of di...
这是一部让人心动的电影,青春、友情、亲情、爱情……辛辣且甜中带苦。十四岁的丹妮与她的姐姐总是分享任何东西,但是当爱情来临的时候,同样渴望爱与被爱的姐妹成为对手。在经历了感情的甜蜜与痛苦之后,姐妹俩获得了人生的经验,明白了爱的生活哲理。 Robert Mulligan's graceful coming-of-age drama, set in rural Louisiana in 1...