National Geographic embarks on an expedition into the mysterious world of ancient American history to shed a different light on the history of the Americas.
History books traditionally depict the p...
AdultSwim 最先在 Cartoon Network 午夜剧场推出的,一个关于一个美国家庭拥有一个CIA工作的老爸 Stan Smith 和一个他从 Area 51 区救出的恩人 shaggy shaggy 的一天到晚就知道酗酒和抽雪茄的 GAY 口音外星生物 Roger,还有一条被CIA秘密换脑的带德语口音的金鱼 Klaus 和金鱼经常时不时挑逗一下的 Stan ...
Over the course of nearly half a billion years, which deadly predator ranks as the biggest and baddest? Join us as we travel through time and across the world to present this terrifying top ten rankin...
Billed as an allegory about America’s fractured politics and culture, the film follows Simon, an up-and-coming commentator whose world is turned upside down when his best friend and debate opponent su...