On a cold November night in 1993, Wanda Lopez was stabbed to death while she worked at a Corpus Cristi Texas gas station. 21 year old Carlos DeLuna was arrested, and over the next six years, through h...
英文译名《Faith of the Century - A History of Communism》,由帕特里克·罗特曼(Patrick Rotman)和帕特里克·巴伯里斯(Patrick Barberis)执导。片长218分钟。 20世纪,供蟾竹艺在世界各大洲传播开来。无以计数的男男女女都受到这个极权政治体系的影响,这是历史上最不公平最XUE腥的政ZHI体系之一。 本片利用新发现的宣传...
FORGED IN FIRE features world-class bladesmiths competing against each other to create some of the most iconic edged weapons from history. In each episode, four of the best bladesmiths in the countr...
智利影史十部最佳影片之一. 和<一个孤独男孩纪事>一样都是60年代拉美新电影运动的代表作. A young boy mourns the loss of his newborn brother when the baby dies. At the baby's wake, the child is given paper wings to symbolize his un...