Trapped in an abandoned insane asylum, five college students and the rogue scientists who abducted them must band together when a supernatural threat appears....
Coming out of he closet is never easy, but the gay son has already come out to his parents. They weren't happy, but they still love him. The son arrives home, only to learn that his partner has du...
别名:Casa privata per le SS/Private House of the SS 这部影片是赤裸裸的低预算撕裂吉蒂沙龙。故事很相似,几个场景已直接解除,在其中的一个马泰甚至使用相同的演员(萨尔瓦托雷BACCARO打的怪物,像往常一样)。显然,生产者没有相同数量的钱花费在生产设计和优秀的演员。马泰尝试工作,这些限制他的优势,并经常越过边界线怪诞。甚至他的纳粹军官是不太可信的约翰 m...
Nelson has a vivid nightmare of a woman being murdered and discovers that this is the beginning of a string of actual serial murders. To clear up this disturbing mystery, he pursues the serial killer ...
别名 Learning to Lie 这是一部有关男人成长的艺术电影。也有人把其称作德国版的;美国派故事从1982年的德国讲起,即将走出校园的少年赫尔穆,喜欢上了少女布丽塔,于是,两个同样渴望爱的少男少女走到了一起,在圣诞夜的亲密接触后,布丽塔告别了赫尔穆去了美国读书,怅然若失的赫尔穆感到十分彷徨,他开始主动接触身边的女孩,一段风流日子后,一切都成为过去,随着阅历的丰富,父母的离异,蒂娜的真情,让...