Award winning writer, celebrity Mark Travis seeks inspiration by returning to his hometown. What he finds is not what he expected. Her name is Holly. What Holly would do, is like nothing Mark has ever...
Molly, a paranormal con artist who cleans people of their valuables instead of their demons, accidentally rips off a Drug Kinpin. She now has to save her kidnapped partner and herself while battling t...
Chuck(扎克瑞·莱维 Zachary Levi 饰)曾经是斯坦福大学计算机系的高才生,大四时候他好友Bryce污蔑偷窃考卷,还被其抢走了女朋友Jill,此后一蹶不振,在家乡的Buy More超市里当一个电器修理员。机缘巧合下,Chuck的生活起了翻天覆地的变化。一个任职CIA的老友发给他一封电邮,之后世界最机密的间谍情报就被植入了Chuck的大脑。Chuck不知情地成了政府的秘密武器,整个世界...
本(马修·布罗德里克 Matthew Broderick 饰)希望能够成为一名儿童歌曲创作歌手,可现实是残酷的,他似乎并没有这方面的天赋。为了维持生计,本还从事着校对的工作,但在不久之前,他得到了解雇通知,这也就意味着,本彻底成为了无业游民。在事业一败涂地的同时,本也没能够扮演好一个父亲的角色。答应带女儿出去玩的他,留给女儿的只有不断的承诺以及不断的爽约。在纷乱的生活中,唯一能让本放松的,就是和自...
Ready to leave his profession behind, Loreno, an assassin, lends help to an old friend, Cetan, and taking one last job in Thailand seeking out a local kingpin. A judgment lapse violently crosses paths...