2018年9月13日下午晚些时候,飓风佛罗伦萨袭击北卡罗来纳州12小时前,美国国旗的两小时监控录像被记录下来。这段录像是在煎锅塔(frying pan tower)拍摄的,这是一座退役的灯塔,位于距北卡罗来纳州海岸39英里的大西洋上的煎锅浅滩上。 Berlin International Film Festival Forum Expanded group exhbition 柏林国际电影节论坛延...
‘April.16, 2014. AM 08:48. Sewol Ferry sunk.’ Exploring what happened about diving bell, one of the biggest controversies after tragic event, the documentary tries to survive truth from burial by focu...
This crime drama is composed of three acts of approximate 10-minute duration each. The story itself, shown in a long flashback style, leads us into the overall reconstruction of the crime, made by a m...