1917年,第一次世界大战。愚蠢的梅棋将军(斯蒂芬·弗雷 Stephen Fry 饰)率领着英国军队奋战在前线。然而所有人都在期盼这场毫无意义的战争可以早日结束。小小的营地中,形形色色的人事百态尽在其中。无能的梅棋将军有一个趋炎附势的“得力助手”宝贝儿上尉(蒂姆·麦克纳尼 Tim McInnerny 饰),每天只知道阿谀奉承。一腔热血的乔治中尉(休·劳瑞 Hugh Laurie 饰)显得过于理...
Take a mind-blowing journey through human history, told through six iconic objects that modern people take for granted, and see how science, invention, and technology built on one another to change ...
Group of friends get together thirty years after one of the members died in an accident. A relaxing vacation changes into a nightmare, when some of the friends are blackmailed with footage from that...