God and Satan are on a train discussing the fate of three individuals. The stories of the people in question are told in a trio of very strange vignettes. One involves an insane anylum with some ver...
A pair of whacked-out cartoon-like exterminator/hitmen kill the owner of a burglar-alarm company, and stalk the partner who hired them, his wife, and a nerd framed for the murder, who tells the stor...
一群矿工在沙漠中意外发现了一种白色的、黏黏的"东西"(the stuff),尝起来甜甜的、很美味,美味到有点儿让人上瘾。于是这种东西被开采出来,包装成雪糕的样子进行销售,并号称“零糖分、零卡路里、质感幼滑、美味大满足”。 the stuff很快俘获了全国消费者的心,大幅占据市场,使其他雪糕销售一落千丈。于是,雪糕行业聘了一个专卖垃圾食品的商人(Garrett Morris...